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Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory Viva Questions 5


1. Early effect causes

a) Increase in α value
b) Increase in concentration gradient of minority carriers in base region
c) Punch through may happen
d) All of the above.

Answer: [D] All of the above.

2. a, b, c are the input impedances of the FET, BJT, MOS-FET, then

a) a> b>c
b) a<b<c
c) b<c<a
d) a>b<c

Answer: [D] a>b<c

3. Match the following

1. Current Saturation region a. vgs<VT
2. Triode region b. vgs-VT < vDS
3. Cutoff c. vgs-VT > vDS

a)1-a, 2-b, 3-c
b)1-c, 2-b, 3-a
c)1-b, 2-c, 3-a
d)1-b, 2-a, 3-c

Answer: [C] 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

4. In Cascade amplifiers

a) The operating point of all the amplifier stages should be same
b) The operating point of all the amplifier stages need not be same
c) The operating point of each stage is independent of every other stage
d) None of the above

Answer: [B] The operating point of all the amplifier stages need not be same

5. The Flat top distortion occurs (in CE amplifier) if

a) CB junction is reverse biased, BE junction is forward biased
b) CB junction is forward biased, BE junction is forward biased
c) CB junction is forward biased, BE junction is reverse biased
d) CB junction is reverse biased, BE junction is reverse biased

Answer: [D] CB junction is reverse biased, BE junction is reverse biased

6. The Flip over distortion occurs (in CE amplifier) if

a) CB junction is reverse biased, BE junction is forward biased
b) CB junction is forward biased, BE junction is forward biased
c) CB junction is forward biased, BE junction is reverse biased
d) CB junction is reverse biased, BE junction is reverse biased

Answer: [B] CB junction is forward biased, BE junction is forward biased

7. Which of the following is false

a) A coupling capacitor is used to connect two circuits such that only the DC signal from the first circuit can pass through to the next while AC is blocked.
b) BJT is a better amplifier than FET in terms of gain.
c) Directly coupled amplifier will not have biasing issues if combination of p-n-p, n-p-n a
d) None of the above.

Answer: [A] A coupling capacitor is used to connect two circuits such that only the DC signal from the first circuit can pass through to the next while AC is blocked.

8. Match the following

p) Current shunt feedback 1. High input impedance
q) Current series feedback 2. Low input impedance
r) Voltage series feedback 3. High output impedance
s) Voltage shunt feedback 4. low output impedance

p q r s

A) 2,3 1,4 2,4 1,3
B) 2,3 1,3 1,4 2,4
C) 2,3 1,4 1,3 2,4
D) 2,4 1,4 1,3 1,4

Answer: [B]

9. Which of the following is false with respect to common collector configuration

A) It’s employing voltage series feedback
B) It’s employing h feedback
C) The feedback factor is dependent on the value of emitter resistance
D) The transfer gain of the composite amplifier is approximately 1.

Answer: [C] The feedback factor is dependent on the value of emitter resistance

10. The active load is used to avoid the trade-off between

a) Gain Vs input impedance
b) Gain Vs voltage swing
c) Both a & b
d) No trade-off is avoided

Answer: [B] b) Gain Vs voltage swing

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