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Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory Viva Questions 4


1. An audio amplifier operates in the frequency range of

(A) 0 Hz to 20 Hz

(B) 20 Hz to 2 KHz

(C) 20 Hz to 20 KHz

(D) Above 20 KHz

Answer: [C] 20 Hz to 20 KHz

2. For maximum peak-peak output voltage, the Q-point should be

(A) Near saturation

(B) Near cut-off

(C) At the centre of dc load line

(D) At the centre of ac load line

Answer: [D] At the centre of ac load line

3. An amplifier has two load lines because

(A) It has ac and dc collector resistances

(B) It has two equivalent circuits

(C) Dc acts in way and ac acts in another way

(D) All the above

Answer: [D] All the above

4. Power rating of a transistor can be increased by

(A) Raising the temperature

(B) Using a heat sink

(C) Using a de rating curve

(D) Operating with no input signal

Answer: [B] Using a heat sink

5. Quiescent collector current is same as the

(A) Dc collector current

(B) Ac collector current

(C) Total collector current

(D) Voltage divider current

Answer: [A] Dc collector current

6. For a Q-point closer to cutoff than saturation in CE dc load line, the clipping is more likely to occur on the

(A) Positive peak of input voltage

(B) Negative peak of input voltage

(C) Negative peak of output voltage

(D) Negative peak of emitter voltage

Answer: [B] Negative peak of input voltage

7. If the Q-point is the middle of the dc load line, clipping will first occur on the

(A) Left voltage sing

(B) Upward current swing

(C) Negative peak of input voltage

(D) Positive peak of input voltage

Answer: [D] Positive peak of input voltage

8. When the ambient temperature increases, the maximum power rating

(A) Decreases

(B) Increases

(C) Remains the same

(D) None of the above

Answer: [A] Decreases

9. The power gain of an amplifier

(A) Is same as the voltage gain

(B) Is smaller than the voltage gain

(C) Equal to the ration of input power to output power

(D) Equals the load power

Answer: [C] Equal to the ration of input power to output power

10. The instantaneous operating point swings along

(A) Ac load line

(B) Dc load line

(C) Both load lines

(D) Neither of the load lines

Answer: [A] Ac load line

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