Quesiton : One boat is overtaking another. Which boat must give way?
Answer: The boat that is overtaking
One boat is overtaking another. Which boat must give way? How can the answer be improved? The rule of the “road” at sea is that the passing boat overtaking the boat in front and on the same heading must do this on the starboard side and give two horn signal. The leading boat doesn’t have to modify its route and should not ….the passing boat has to maneuver around the slower boat. The boat that is doing the passing is the Give-way vessel. They must stay clear of the boat that they are passing. The boat being passed is the Stand-on vessel they do not mo … ve or alter speed. Overtaking takes place in the various circumstances by the most opportune time that is advisable it is when there seems to be emergency cases. In this type of cases the medics are usually given way so that they can go and attend to the victims of a given accidental occurrences. Tue Jul 27 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · Best Answer: the boat that is overtaking is the give way boat . (the overtaking boat must stay clear of the boat that it is passing) (the overtaking boat must stay clear of the boat that it is passing) The boat which is overtaken must give way to the boat which is overtaking . Answer/////When one boat is overtaking another boat the boat that is the overtaking boat must give way to the other;///// Good Luck;///// When one boat comes behind another boat we say the passing boat is overtaking the other. The overtaking boat is the give-way boat. The give-way boat can see the aft (white) light of the stand-on boat. If a power-driven boat (B) is approaching from your starboard (right) sector you are the give-way craft and do not have the right-of-way. You must take early and substantial action to keep well clear of the other boat by altering your speed and direction. Overtaking. If you are overtaking another power-driven boat (B) from the stern (from … The Give - Way Vessel must take early and substantial action to avoid the Stand-On Vessel. In the diagram above Vessel 1 is the overtaking or Give - Way Vessel. It can overtake Vessel 2 on either side. When overtaking another boat the rules are clear: The overtaking boat must give way to the boat it's passing and that means it needs to keep its wake down and mustn't force the slower boat into any uncompromising navigation position.
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