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According to what you just learned about cause and effect the "cause" was poor economic policies and the "effect" was ____________.

Quesiton : According to what you just learned about cause and effect the "cause" was poor economic policies and the "effect" was ____________.

Answer: the Great Depression

According to what you just learned about cause and effect the "cause" was poor economic policies and the "effect" was ____________. According to what you just learned about cause and effect the “cause” was poor economic policies and the “effect” was a0 . Burt and Ernie are both considering taking out a $150 000 mortgage. Burt's credit score is 592 while Ernie's credit score is 776. Burt found … According to what you just learned about cause and effect the “cause” was poor economic policies and the “effect” was Start studying great depression quiz. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... According to this lesson about cause and effect the "cause " was poor economic policies and the "effect " was. The Great Depression. Wed Feb 06 2008 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · Economic Cause and Effect . An income distribution as skewed as that of the United States actually slows growth compared with more equitable approaches. The poor spend and the rich do not. The rich invest and buy costly goods in an upper-class sub-economy that doesn't trickle down to the broader economy. “Every cause has its effect every effect has its cause everything happens according to the Law. Luck is no more than the name given to an unknown law there are many planes of chance but nothing escapes the Law.” Absolutely the present situation we find ourselves has been generated at … Custom Causes and Economic Effects Essay. During the leadership George Bush the state interfered with an investigation that was aimed at identifying repercussions of the housing bubble. Community Reinvestment Act is one of the policies that many economists hold to be a contributing cause … The Great Recession and economic crisis of 2008 was caused by greed by lenders individuals & financial institutions. Read this step by step cause & effect effect . Viewgraph 3 shows the basic layout of a Cause-and-Effect Diagram. Notice that the diagram has a cause side and an effect side. The steps for constructing and analyzing a Cause-and-Effect Diagram are outlined below. Step 1 - Identify and clearly define the outcome or EFFECT to be analyzed (Viewgraph 4).! Decide on the effect to be examined. - Hume and Cause and Effect Cause and effect is a tool used to link happenings together and create some sort of explanation. Hume lists the “three principles of connexion among ideas” to show the different ways ideas can be associated with one another (14). The principles are resemblance contiguity and cause and effect. When stress becomes long-term and is not properly addressed it can lead to a number of more serious health conditions including: Depression. High blood pressure . Abnormal heartbeat ( arrhythmia ) Hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ) Heart disease . Heart attack . Heartburn ulcers irritable bowel syndrome .

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