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Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression?

Quesiton : Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression?

Answer: It had a weak economic infrastructure due to a lack of large corporations.

Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression? Economic Struggles Abroad. STUDY. PLAY. ... Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression ? It had a weak economic infrastructure due to a lack of large corporations. Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression ? Compared to other European nations why did it take France the longest to recover from the Great Depression ? A) France had suffered the most damage during World War I. B) It had a weak economic infrastructure due to a lack of large corporations. Tue Jun 02 2009 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America Europe and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. Some nations like Germany dealt effectively with the Depression because of popular support for the government to take over the economy and provide people work. .The other three countries economies recovered at different paces with different methods. Great Britain emphasized their growing welfare system which was given out on a need-based basis. The Great Depression was a main factor in the implementation of social democracy and planned economies in European countries after World War II (see Marshall Plan). Why did European countries stop hating and fighting each other examples are France and England? ... Given that no blood ever made it back to the UK I can not understand why they sent the ships out at great expense to conduct the massacres. Perhaps people at that time were just plain stupid like the author of this question. ... How Islamized ... The depression reached France later than it did some other nations France remaining prosperous through 1931. Then in 1932 the economy was hurt by a drop in tourists a fall in exports of perfumes wine food and other items and there was the decline in prices for what exports it could sell abroad. France would probably have needed similar resources during World War II that the other countries did . Common resources include things such as food water metals plastics oil and coal. Franklin D. Roosevelt Florence Owens Thompson Herbert Hoover Great Depression in the Unit… Wall Street Crash of 1929 Dust Bowl

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