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Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression?

Quesiton : Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression?

Answer: Their entire economies were based around the United States.

Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression? How can the answer be improved? Economic Struggles Abroad. STUDY. PLAY. ... Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression ? ... the two nations that suffered the least from the Great Depression were : Japan Soviet Union. causality. the law that states every action has an effect on something else. unscathed. to escape something unharmed or damaged. The Latin American nations were hit especially during the great depression because their entire economy was based around the USA . People were not spending enough to boost the economy and also the production was at an all-time low. great depression quiz. STUDY. PLAY. burgeoning. ... Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression ? Their entire economies were based around the United States. two nations who suffered the least from the Great Depression were : Japan Soviet Union. Mon Feb 18 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · Canada was hard hit during the depression because they depended on export sales to the United States England and other countries. When businessmen in those countries lost all… their money they could no longer conduct business with the Canadian businessmen. The Logging farming and fishing industry suffered immensely. Their entire economies were based around the United States. About the flashcard: This flashcard is meant to be used for studying quizzing and learning new information. Latin American countries were hit hard during the Great Depressionbecause America couldnâ??t afford to trade with them. This led tofascism in some Latin American countries . … Why were Latin American nations hit especially hard during the Great Depression ? POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES. During the 1920s the large majority of Latin American countries exhibited outwardly stable political systems. The shock of the Great Depression however brought a general crisis of confidence among the ruling elites of Latin America and contributed to a decade of political turmoil and on occasion violent change. The Great Depression which followed the US stock market crash of 1929 badly affected the countries of Latin America. Chile Peru and Bolivia were according to a League of Nations report the countries worst-hit by the Great Depression . The rise of fascism also became apparent in Latin American countries in the 1930s due to the Great Depression . Pre-Depression Latin American Economies. Chile Peru and Bolivia were among the hardest hit nations though keep in mind the Depression was felt throughout Latin America. In Chile mass unemployment plunged the nation into political turmoil. Coup after coup took place often placing fascist leaders in power.

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