Quesiton : If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection & remove traces of venom?
Answer: Rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic
If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection & remove traces of venom?
Sun Feb 24 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · It depends what insect we are talking about because if its a bee or wasp stung you its easy. 1. Wasp sting venom is alkaline and so its effects can be neutralised with vine…gar or acid and this neutralization then reduces the pain.
If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom? Rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic. What factor(s) will determine the amount of fluid (water) necessary to maintain proper body function? All of the above.
If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection & remove traces of venom? Rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic. Which of the following are signs/symptoms of poisonous snake bite ? All of the above.
If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom? a. Seawater. b. Ethanol or urine. c. Rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic. d. None of the above
Self Aid Buddy Care (SABC) Complete Questions & Answers. June 30 ... If an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom? ... -Because there is an increased risk of infection damage to the skin and bleeding.
Id an individual has an insect bite or sting what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom? ... what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom? Edit. Edit source History Talk (0) ... Wikianswers is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community.
Sat Dec 29 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · How to Reduce Bug Bite Swelling. Bug bites are never a pleasant experience: they can itch hurt and usually come with a good bit of swelling. Scratching an itchy and swollen bug bite can also lead to infection and make the bite even...
The sting itself is usually painful. The venom can cause swelling and still more pain though usually not more than can be handled with cold compresses and an over-the-counter pain reliever. Redness and swelling are common at the site of any bee sting . These don’t necessarily mean infection. In fact a bee sting rarely becomes infected.
Insect Bites Home Remedies. Treatment depends on the type of reaction to the bite or sting . If there is only redness and pain at the site of the bite application of ice is adequate treatment. Clean the area with soap and water to remove contaminated particles left behind by some insects (such as mosquitoes).
Insect bites normally disappear within a few days without medical attention. Some people may have an allergic reaction to insect bites but bites rarely cause a severe allergic reaction unlike insect stings. The following may indicate a severe allergic reaction: Scratching a bite can give rise to infection.
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