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The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegated to ____

Quesiton : The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegated to ____

Answer: No one

The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegated to ____ The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegated to ____ No one sgt smith is being considered for administrative separation with honorable discharge after failing a urinalysis test for suspected illegal drug use. The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegated to ? ... Delegated power or authority is what a person group or organization etc ... UCMJ and Pretrial Restraint. 3) Arrest is "the restraint of a person by oral or written order not imposed as punishment directing the person to remain within specified limits .". These individuals may not be required to perform full military duties such as supervising serving as guard or bearing arms. (i) of officers and warrant officers . Only a commanding officer to whose authority the officer or warrant officer is subject may order pretrial restraint of that officer or warrant officer (ML 130.9[c]). (ii) Of enlisted persons. Any officer may order pretrial restraint of any enlisted person. The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may be delegate to? Officers may only be ordered into restraint by “a commander to whose authority” they are subject and the authority may not be delegated . Enlisted personnel may be ordered by “Any commissioned officer.” Here authority may be delegated by a commanding officer to warrant petty and noncommissioned officers... (c)A commissioned officer a warrant officer or a civilian subject to this chapter or to trial thereunder may be ordered into arrest or confinement only by a commanding officer to whose authority he is subject by an order oral or written delivered in person or by another commissioned officer . The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may not be delegated. A commanding officer may delegate to warrant petty and noncommissioned officers authority to order pretrial restraint of enlisted persons of the commanding officer's command or subject to the authority of that commanding officer. The authority to order pretrial restraint of civilians and commissioned and warrant officers may not be delegated . A commanding officer may delegate to warrant petty and noncommissioned officers authority to order pretrial restraint of enlisted persons of the commanding officer's command or subject to the authority of that commanding officer. Tue Oct 05 2004 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · The authority to impose a condition on liberty on a commission or warrant officer cannot be delegated. However a commanding officer may delegate to warrant petty and noncommissioned officers authority to impose conditions on the liberty of enlisted persons of the commanding officer’s command or subject to the authority of that commanding officer .

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