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What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning?

Quesiton : What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning?

Answer: Situational Awareness

What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning? the APEX activity that addresses procedures for describing the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning is called _____. How can the answer be improved? The APEX activity that addresses procedures for describing the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning is … the APEX activity that addresses procedures for describing the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning is … What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning ? Situational Awareness YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE... 15) What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national. security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning ? [objective168] Commander's touchpoints. Plan assessment. Situational awareness. Staff … decision points 5) What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning ? Staff estimates Situational awareness Commander's touchpoints find the answers What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning … [objective167] Initial Courses of Action Initial Staff Estimates Initial Report Initial Intent Statement 15) What APEX activity describes the operational environment including threats to national security and supports both deliberate planning and crisis action planning ? Joint operation planning encompasses a number of elements including three broad operational activities four planning functions and a number of related products. The operational activity of ________ does not apply to Deliberate Planning but the other two do. Joint operation planning encompasses a number of elements including three broad operational activities four planning functions and a number of related products. Situational awareness addresses procedures for describing the operational environment including threats to national security . • Removes “deliberate” and “crisis action” planning terms as both use the same processes. • Removes the six-phase phasing model but does not change the definition of phases or the use of phasing as a planning tool. • Updates and expands the discussion of assessments. • Expands the discussion on risk.

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