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What causes abnormally low body temps?

Quesiton : What causes abnormally low body temps?

Answer: Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temps.

What causes abnormally low body temps? An eating disorder characterized by abnormally low body weight. How can the answer be improved? Low body temperature can cause you a number of problems such as fatigue depression anxiety and panic attacks cold intolerance insomnia constipation and more. 98.6 °F or 37 °C is considered to be normal body temperature. It could however vary between 97.5 °F to 98.8 °F (36.4 °C to 37.1 °C) for most individuals. What Does a Low Body Temperature Indicate? Is 96.5 considered too low for body temperature ... My body temperature is rarely 98.6 degrees when I'm not ... What is a dangerous body temperature? | Low body temperature results when the body is unable to keep the body "thermostat" regulated within a safe range. Under normal circumstances the body is able to generate and dissipate heat . The internal mechanisms can overcome most outside adversities of freezing cold or broiling heat. Abnormally low body temperature (symptom description): Abnormally low body temperature is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Hypothermia . Abnormally low body temperature (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of ' Abnormally low body temperature' the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Hypothermia (type of symptom). continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures . Not just in our heads. Other mental agitators and illnesses can lead to feeling cold as well such as with the eating disorder anorexia — starving the body can cause low blood pressure and slow the metabolism both of which can lower body temperature. Neurologic Conditions. Nervous system problems can cause a low body temperature. If you have ever had a stroke you may notice that your body temperature is lower than it once was. Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis can also impact the body s delicate balance between heat production and heat loss and make your temperature drop. What causes abnormally low body temperatures ? a. Extreme contact with high heat temperatures . b. Temperatures rapidly fluctuating from heat to cold. c. Long periods of strenuous work without drinking water. d. Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures What causes abnormally low body temperatures ? - Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures Which type of external bleeding is red in color and rapidly spurts out from the body ? - Arterial Where is the radial artery located? - On the thumb side of the wrist Variety: Hypothermia or low body temperature can be caused by endocrine disorders most commonly hypothyroid infection or exposure to prolonged elements. The thyroid is responsible for our temperature regulation and our metabolism among other things. Low circulating levels of the active compound can make us feel weak cold gain weight etc. Underarm readings can be a degree lower than what you’d find from your mouth. Rectal temperatures usually are up to a degree higher than mouth readings. A body temperature higher than your normal range is a fever. It’s hypothermia when the body temperature dips too low . Both need to be watched.

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