Quesiton : What causes abnormally low body temps?
Answer: Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temps.
What causes abnormally low body temps?
An eating disorder characterized by abnormally low body weight.
How can the answer be improved?
98.6 °F or 37 °C is considered to be normal body temperature. It could however vary between 97.5 °F to 98.8 °F (36.4 °C to 37.1 °C) for most individuals. Depending on what task you are doing your temperature could fluctuate by as much as 1 °F or 0.6 °C. Some people may naturally have a lower body temperature and it is no cause for concern.
What Does a Low Body Temperature Indicate?
My body temperature is rarely 98.6 degrees when I'm not ...
What Causes Low Body Temperature of 96-to-97 Degrees ...
Low body temperature results when the body is unable to keep the body "thermostat" regulated within a safe range. Under normal circumstances the body is able to generate and dissipate heat . The internal mechanisms can overcome most outside adversities of freezing cold or broiling heat.
The condition of an extraordinarily low body temperature is known as hypothermia. The adverse is hyperthermia which is the condition of an extraordinarily high body tempertur ….
Abnormally low body temperature (symptom description): Abnormally low body temperature is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Hypothermia . Abnormally low body temperature (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of ' Abnormally low body temperature' the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Hypothermia (type of symptom).
Neurologic Conditions. Nervous system problems can cause a low body temperature. If you have ever had a stroke you may notice that your body temperature is lower than it once was. Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis can also impact the body s delicate balance between heat production and heat loss and make your temperature drop.
Not just in our heads. Other mental agitators and illnesses can lead to feeling cold as well such as with the eating disorder anorexia — starving the body can cause low blood pressure and slow the metabolism both of which can lower body temperature.
What causes abnormally low body temperatures ? a. Extreme contact with high heat temperatures . b. Temperatures rapidly fluctuating from heat to cold. c. Long periods of strenuous work without drinking water. d. Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures
What causes abnormally low body temperatures ? - Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures Which type of external bleeding is red in color and rapidly spurts out from the body ? - Arterial Where is the radial artery located? - On the thumb side of the wrist
Wed Mar 21 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · Best Answer: I am the same way also . I got through spells where I get to hot or to cold . I think its something thats normal its just our environment . Sounds like you just very healthy .
However certain medical conditions can cause the temperature to be abnormally low . Low thyroid blood levels certainly can make temperatures lower as can other endocrine abnormalities (especially diabetes pituitary gland problems and adrenal insufficiency). Some people with chronic kidney disease have low temperatures.
Learn what surprising things can cause low and high body temperatures . ... 10 Fascinating Facts About Body Temperature . ... about any high body temperature or low body temperature that is abnormal .
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