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When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction & continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed thru the pressure bar?

Quesiton : When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction & continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed thru the pressure bar?

Answer: This forces the pad onto the wound & provides direct pressure & controls bleeding

When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction & continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed thru the pressure bar? Reversing direction increases the pressure over the wound thereby increasing the effectiveness of the bandgae in con…trolling bleeding. You don't need a special bandgae to do this you can use any rolled guaze bandage . As your wrapping the bandage around the wound twist the bandage … A spiral reverse bandage is used on an extremity; such as forearm and lower or upper leg. Reverse the wrapping direction and continue bandaging the wound. By reversing the wrapping direction and continue to bandage thewound the pad is forced onto the wound and provides directpressure and controls bleeding. When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction & continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed thru the pressure bar? This forces the pad onto the wound & provides direct pressure & controls bleeding When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction and continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed through the pleassure bar? This forces the pad onto the wound and provides direct pressure and controls bleeding. When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction and continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandages is placed through the pressure bar? This forces the pad onto the wound and provides direct pressure and controls bleeding. When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction and continue and bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed through the pressure bar? This forces the pad onto the wound and provides direct pressure and controls bleeding. Please use words like "Who What Where When Why How etc..." in your question. Nothing to ask? Click here for a random un-answered question. When using the emergency bandage why do you reverse the wrapping direction and continue bandaging the wound once the elastic bandage is placed … After an emergency bandage has been applied you should be able to slip two fingers under it. You reverse the bandage when applying on the calf upper leg and forearm. actually if you are talkin … g about the Emergency bandage also known as the Israel bandage you need to revers in order to: 1. put pressure on the wound and cover the pressure bar in order to stop bleeding faster. 2.

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