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Which of the following are signs/symptoms of poisonous snake bite?

Quesiton : Which of the following are signs/symptoms of poisonous snake bite?

Answer: All of the above

Which of the following are signs/symptoms of poisonous snake bite? How can the answer be improved? Pain and redness around the bite area in most cases. If it's a venomous snake additional symptoms include... numbing of the limb shortness of breath dizziness feinting heart attack and eventually death - depending on the potency of the venom. It depends on the type of snake and venom but... The individual may feel seasick or have the sensation of vertigo following an envenomation. While the symptoms may have a rapid onset following a bite they may take many hours or even a full day to occur especially when the snake in question is a species utilizing neurotoxic venom. First Aid Chapter 23. All of the following might be a sign or symptom of a black widow spider bite except: a. nausea and vomiting. b. small red fang marks. c. blood-filled blister under the skin (near the bite ). d. fever and chills. The only appropriate first aid care for a tick bite is: prompt removal of the tick. General signs and symptoms that apply to all insect bites and stings include all of the following except: a blood-filled blister under the skin (near the bite ). Venomous snakes found in the United States include rattlesnakes copperheads cottonmouths/water moccasins and coral snakes . Pay attention to the following venomous snake bite signs . Depending on the type of snake the signs and symptoms of a venomous snake bite may include: Which of the following are signs and symptoms of a poisonous - snake bite ?-All of the above. What type of fracture has bone protruding from the skin?-Open fracture. Why are open fractures a serious medical condition?-Because there is an increased risk of infection damage to the skin and bleeding The complications of venomous snake bites can range from mild to severe. Complications include pain and swelling at the bite site vision damage (from sprays especially) compartment syndrome (localized severe swelling that can damage or destroy nerves and blood vessels ... Local tissue signs of pit viper envenomation include puncture wounds one to six from a single bite which may be bleeding. Rapid onset of pain may ensue with progressive edema ecchymosis and petechiation. In some snake bite symptoms tissue necrosis may occur particularly in envenomations to areas without a significant subcutaneous tissue mass. The presence of fang marks does not indicate that envenomation has occurred only that a bite … The deadliest spots for a snake bite to occur on the horse include the muzzle head and neck. While fatalities do happen following venomous snake bites the sheer size of the horse typically sends most snakes slithering away to another location.

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