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What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Asch conducted his prison experiment to demonstrate that social roles have a great deal of influence on individual behavior.

Quesiton : What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Asch conducted his prison experiment to demonstrate that social roles have a great deal of influence on individual behavior.

Answer: The word "hostile" should be changed to "instrumental"

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Asch conducted his prison experiment to demonstrate that social roles have a great deal of influence on individual behavior. What should be changed to make the following sentence true ? Asch conducted his prison experiment to demonstrate that social roles have a great deal of influence on individual behavior. What should be changed to make the following sentence true ? the steps of recall which is the conscious repetition of information to be remembered in order to move it from STM into long-term memory is called memory consolidation . What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Asch conducted his prison experiment to demonstrate that social roles have a great deal of influence on individual behavior . A. ... What should be changed to make the following sentence true ? Social exchange is people’s desire to help others even if the costs outweigh the benefits. A. Wed Jul 10 2013 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · Solomon Asch was a social psychologist who conducted an experiment on social conformity. To test his theory in 1951 Asch devised what is now considered a classic experiment in social psychology. Wed Mar 02 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · _____ conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment to explain the influence of groups on behaviors. A) Philip Zimbardo B) Stanley Milgram C) Solomon Asch D) Irving Janis E) Georg Simmel According to Asch's pioneering work on conformity which of the following statements is true? Having just one person present who shares the minority point of view is sufficient to reduce conformity pressures . Conformity to Social Roles. Conformity to social roles is when an individual adopts a particular behaviour and belief while in a particular social situation . For example whilst at school your teacher adopts the behaviour and beliefs of a ‘teacher’ which may be very different to the behaviour and beliefs they adopt with their friends at... Describe why the individuals in the Asch experiment usually gave the same answer when they probably knew that it was wrong. The reason that the individuals in the Asch experiment usually gave the same answer when they probably knew that it was wrong is because of group pressure. With group pressure people conform for two main reasons. Describe Solomon Asch’s study. How do you think you would have responded to the study if you were a part of it? Do you think you would have changed your answer? ... Aim: Solomon Asch -1951 conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority ... The main ethical issue to consider in Asch's study is decieving the participants and therefore the lack of informed consent (however he needed to do this otherwise his result…s wouldn't have been valid) as well as debriefing.. There is some information on:.

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