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Which of the following actions are appropriate for teating a wound?

Quesiton : Which of the following actions are appropriate for teating a wound?

Answer: All of the above

Most relevent text from all around web: Which of the following actions are appropriate for teating a wound? The following is the first aid treatment for major wounds: How can the answer be improved? Clean the wound with an antiseptic Apply a clean dressing If infected apply a warm compress 3 - 4 times a day All of the above The traditional chain of command roles and responsibilites continue in all captivity environments. The senior eligible military member assumes command over captives from all US military departments. Treating an open wound with peroxide once a day is usually quite suficient . More frequent treatments add little benefit. Of course once the wound is closed they have no benefit at all. The following is the first aid treatment for minimally bleeding wounds: Clean the wound with soap and clean running tap water. Apply continuous firm direct pressure to wound until bleeding stops. Once the bleeding stops apply antibiotic ointment . Cover with dressing. If bleeding soaks through bandage do not remove the original bandage. (Select all that apply) [objective66] Distract your captor by engaging in debates on political issues Focus on your authorized communications Accept special benefits at the expense of others Resist providing a confession 2) When confronted with capture medical personnel ... Fri Nov 16 2018 · If 911 is not ava...

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