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Which of the following is NOT a disability protected by law?

Quesiton : Which of the following is NOT a disability protected by law?

Answer: blurred vision that is a symptom of eye surgery

Most relevent text from all around web: Which of the following is NOT a disability protected by law? Which of the following is NOT a disability protected by law ? a broken bone that is expected to heal properly Give an example of each of the two types of disabilities . Which of the following is NOT a disability law? A. Air Carrier Access Act B . Veteran Readjustment Act C . Rehabilitation Act D. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Please select the best answer from the choices provided. Tue May 03 2016 · Answer – D. (blurred vision that is a symptom of eye surgery) Of all the disabilities listed in the question above the one that is not protected by law is blurred vision that is a symptom of eye surgery because it is not an impairment that significantly limits any major life activity . 5.0. 2 votes. Thu Jul 14 2016 · The answer would be C because a bone can heal while all of the other disabilities could be permanent. Also a disability is something that disables you from doing something. A broken bone probably won't disable you as much as the other disabilities and so it is not protected by law . The list of disabilities covered under ADA refers to all the disabilities for which an employee is protected from discrimination by employers . The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 a civil rights law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees with disabilities. Understanding ADA. Tue Feb 04 2014 · Weegy : D. blurred vision that is a symptom of eye surgery is not a disabil...

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