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Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking situation?

Quesiton : Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking situation?

Answer: A. Employment contracts were not drafted in the employees' native language B. Employees are required to work and live in the same location

Most relevent text from all around web: Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking situation? Start studying Combating Trafficking In Persons (CTIP ) Post Test. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Which of the following most likely indicate a trafficking in persons situation ? Select all that apply ... All of the Above. Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking ... Which of the following most likely indicates a labor trafficking situation ? A. Employment contracts were not drafted in the employees' native language Employees are required to … When used in context of labor ILO most likely stands for International Labor Organization. The ILO is an agency of the United Nations that deals with various international labor issues. Which Of The Following Most Likely Indicates A Labor Trafficking Situation (Correct Answer Below) Which Of The Following Most Likely Indicates A Labor Trafficking Situation ? Front. Reveal the answer to this question whenever you are ready. A. Employment contracts were not drafted in the employees' native language Employees are required to work ... Sun Apr 21 2019 · Labor traffickers are most likely to take advantage of employees in which of the following professions? - Janitorial services hospitality industry Which of the following most likely i...

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