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Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Quesiton : Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Answer: A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building.

Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act? Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Fri Apr 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · C . A disabled person is unable to sit in the back at the movie theater because the theater only allows disabled people to sit in the front. D. A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Follow. Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A. A cable company that offers telephone services chooses not to offer telephone services to individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf . Which of the following laws protects the accessibility to employment opportunities for the disabled? A. Air Carrier Access Act B. Rehabilitation Act C. Americans with Disabilities Act D. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Sat Apr 09 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST) · The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”) was signed into law filling gaps in existing civil rights law. The ADA goes beyond the protections afforded by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based on race national origin sex … The Americans with Disabilities Act may have been passed over 23 years ago but apparently that still isn’t enough time for society to get their act together when it comes to following all aspects of the law. ADA violations happen every day all over the country with many businesses feeling the ultimate sting of not complying – being shut down. An individual with HIV is in a car accident and suffers severe third degree burns. He is taken to the nearest hospital which does not have a burn unit. Sending the patient to another hospital that has a burn unit would not violate the ADA . A person with HIV goes to the dentist for a teeth cleaning. A health insurance plan provision that limits the number of days of inpatient care for employee dependents affects individuals with many kinds of conditions only some of which are disabilities. Consequently the limitation is not a disability-based distinction and would not violate the ADA .

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