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Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Quesiton : Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?

Answer: A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building.

Most relevent text from all around web: Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act? Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Fri Apr 29 2016 · C . A disabled person is unable to sit in the back at the movie theater because the theater only allows disabled people to sit in the front. D. A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building. Follow. Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act ? A. A cable company that offers telephone services chooses not to offer telephone services to individuals who use telecommunication devices for...

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