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Which reintegration phase moes the recovered person to the CONUS?

Quesiton : Which reintegration phase moes the recovered person to the CONUS?

Answer: Phase III

Most relevent text from all around web: Which reintegration phase moes the recovered person to the CONUS? Which reintegration phase moves the recovered person to the Continental United States (CONUS )? Which Reintegration Phase Moves The Recovered Person To The Continental United States ( Conus )? (Correct Answer Below) Which Reintegration Phase Moves The Recovered Person To The Continental United States ( Conus )?: Front. Phase III. Enter another question to find a notecard: ... Which reintegration phase moves the recovered person to the Continental United States (CONUS )? Wed Sep 05 2018 · - Phase III . Explanation; Phase Three begins with the transition of a recovered individual to a Phase Three team of the appropriate service. This phase usually takes place at a military medical facility in the United States. One of the goals of Phase Three is family reunification . Which Reintegration phase moves the recovered person to conus? Who is a person who moves from one country to another? a person that moves from 1 country to another is called an immigrant !! Which rein...

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