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[Answer] Any fee payment made to the commission shall be remitted by _______.

Quesiton : Any fee payment made to the commission shall be remitted by _______.

Answer: money order agency check electronic paymentall of the above

Most relevent text from all around web: Any fee payment made to the commission shall be remitted by _______. Unless revocation is authorized by law the commission may suspend any license issued by the commission if the licensee: Violates any provision of the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 1701 . When a licensee is separated from an agency the agency has _____ day(s) to serve the licensee with a termination report. Start studying TCOLE RULES OVERVIEW - 1033. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Any fee payment made to the commission shall be remitted by _____. All answers provided ... The commission shall revoke any license of an individual convicted of a felony immediately upon receipt of _____. (b) Any fee or payment made to the commission by a person agency or other entity shall be remitted by money order cashier's check agency check or electronic payment . Fees must be submitted with any required application and are non-refundable. Sun Jun 09 2019 · (b) Any fee or payment made to the commission by a person agency or other entity shall be remitted by money order cashier's check agency check or electronic payment . Fees must be submitted with any required application and are non-refundable. the licensee to the commission shall be deposited in a special trust account designat-ed by the commission . Not less than once per month on a date to be selected by the com-mission the director of revenue shall dis-burse from the account moneys owed to the home dock city or county. Any shared rev-enue shall be disbu...

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