Quesiton : Based on the MMR when can normal transportation requirements for hazardous waste (HW) be exempted?
Answer: When activities use Conditional Exemption (CE) for transportation
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Based on the MMR when can normal transportation requirements for hazardous waste (HW) be exempted? When activities use Conditional Exemption ( CE ) for transportation Per MMR and RCRA requirements certain conditions must exist for an item to be considered a military munition ( MM ).
Under the MMR when can normal transportation requirements for HW be exempted? When activities use Conditional Exemption ( CE ) for transportation You are requesting reinstatement of the storage CE authority your unit lost.
Based on the MMR when can normal transportation requirements for hazardous waste (HW) be exempted? When activities use Conditional Exemption ( CE ) for transportation Per MMR and RCRA requirements certain conditions must exist for an item to be considered a military munition ( MM ).
(3) The exemption in paragraph (a)(1) of this section from regulation as hazardous waste shall ...
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