Quesiton : The commission shall revoke any license of an individual convicted of a felony immediately upon receipt of ________.
Answer: Court's judgment
Most relevent text from all around web: The commission shall revoke any license of an individual convicted of a felony immediately upon receipt of ________.
If a licensee is charged with the commission of a felony adjudication is deferred and the licensee is placed on community supervision the commission shall immediately suspend any license held for a period of ____ years.
The commission shall revoke any license of an individual convicted of a felony immediately upon receipt of _____. Court's judgement When a licensee is separated from an agency the agency has _____ day(s) to serve the licensee with a termination report.
(a) The license of a person convicted of a felony shall be immediately revoked . (b) The license of a person convicted or placed on community supervision for an offense directly related to the duties and responsibilities of any related office held by that person may be revoked . In determining whether an offense directly relates to such office the commission will consider: (1) the nature and seriousness of the crime ;
The commission shall immediately revoke any license issued by the commission if the licensee is or has been convicted of a felony offense as provided in subsections (b) (c) and (d) of this section. The revocation of any license held is effective immediately when the commission receives a certified copy of a court's judgment and issues notice to the licensee that any license held is revoked .
(2) The commission shall revoke the license or registration upon an individual's imprisonment following a felony conviction felony community supervision revocation revocation of parole or revocation of mandatory supervision.
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