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[Answer] Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept _________.

Quesiton : Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept _________.

Answer: in the appointing agency's file

Most relevent text from all around web: Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept _________. Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept in the appointing agency's file Agencies are to require each peace officer to complete the current firearms proficiency requirements at least Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept ___ in the appointing agency's file During a 4-year-cycle those holding an intermediate or higher certificate are required to complete Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept in the appointing agency's file . (b) Any such document may expire or be cancelled surrendered suspended revoked deactivated or otherwise invalidated. Documentation proving eligibility for licensing on the date of initial appointment shall be kept in the appointing agency's file . (b) Any such document may expire or be cancelled surrendered suspended revoked deactivated or otherwise invalidated. (j) Before an agency appoints any licensee to a position requiring a commission license it shall complete the reporting requirements of Texas Occupations Code §1701.451. (k) An agency appointing a person who does not h...

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