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[Answer] Failing to complete the legislatively mandated continuing education for the first time will result in a _____ license suspension.

Quesiton : Failing to complete the legislatively mandated continuing education for the first time will result in a _____ license suspension.

Answer: 90 day

Most relevent text from all around web: Failing to complete the legislatively mandated continuing education for the first time will result in a _____ license suspension. Failing to complete the legislatively mandated continuing education for the first time will result in a _____ license suspension . 90 day The commission shall revoke any license of an individual convicted of a felony immediately upon receipt of ________. Human Trafficking. An officer is eligible for inclusion in the memorial if the fatal incident. was a direct result of a line of duty on or off duty. The report of legislatively mandated training shall be submitted by the training provider to the commission no later than ___ days after completion of training . SECTION 218.3. Legislatively Required Continuing Education for Licensees . (n) Individuals licensed as peace officers shall complete the legislatively required continuing education program required under this section beginning in the first complete 24-month unit immediately following the date of licensing . Thu May 16 2013 · Occupations code rule 217.11 states that “ failure to complete the legislatively required continuing education at least once every training cycle may result in TCLEOSE license _____. a. suspension . b. revocation. c. cancellation. d. termination Fri...

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