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[Answer] How are activities notified should it become necessary to move records within the FRC?

Quesiton : How are activities notified should it become necessary to move records within the FRC?

Answer: NA Form 13016 Notice of Accession Location Change is mailed the month following the relocation

Most relevent text from all around web: How are activities notified should it become necessary to move records within the FRC? Before you can retire any of your records to FRC you need to be sure they are covered by an approved records schedule . Check the records against the retention schedules . If you can't find the appropriate schedule(s) contact your Program Office Region or Center Record's Officer. • All the FRC’s primary functions should be the responsibility of the FRC Board and not its individual operating bodies as at present so as to enable the FRC to take decisions at the right level within a streamlined structure • The FRC Board should retain responsibility for issuing standards (including the TASs) and should be supported by the FRC Executive team and two Board Committees … The records transfer request in ARCIS and the SF 135 contain important information about your transfer that enables the FRC to properly document store and service your records . A completed records transfer request in ARCIS or an SF 135 must be submitted to your records center for approval before shipping records . tations are anonymous and no records are kept. Call (919)- 886-3346 for assistance . There is also a Child & Youth Behavior Life Counselor call (919) 886-3405. WIC members and their families the skills required to make a (Women Infants Children...

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