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[Answer] Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete a training program that covers recent changes to the laws pertaining to peace officers every ___ year(s) of a training unit.

Quesiton : Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete a training program that covers recent changes to the laws pertaining to peace officers every ___ year(s) of a training unit.

Answer: 2

Most relevent text from all around web: Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete a training program that covers recent changes to the laws pertaining to peace officers every ___ year(s) of a training unit. Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete a training program that covers recent changes to the laws pertaining to peace officers every ___ of a training cycle . Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete a training program that covers recent changes to the laws pertaining to peace officers every ___ year (s) of a training unit . each agency or entity that employs at least one peace officer shall require each peace officer that it employs to successfully complete the current fireamrs proficiency requirements at … (a) Individuals appointed as peace officers shall complete at least 40 hours of continuing education training and must complete a training and education program that covers recent changes to the laws of this state and of the United States pertaining to peace officers every 24-month unit of a training cyc...

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