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[Answer] Legislatively mandated training may be waived due to mitigating circumstances by whom?

Quesiton : Legislatively mandated training may be waived due to mitigating circumstances by whom?


Most relevent text from all around web: Legislatively mandated training may be waived due to mitigating circumstances by whom? Legislatively mandated training may be waived due to mitigating circumstances by whom ? TCOLE DIRECTOR A licensed peace officer should have continuing education courses approved by _____ prior to attending to ensure credit hours will be submitted. The commission may deny an application for any license and may refuse to accept a report of appointment if. (c) A request for a waiver of the legislatively required continuing education due to mitigating circumstances shall be in writing accompanied by verifying documentation and shall be submitted to the executive director with a copy to the chief administrator of the licensee's appointing agency not less than 30 days prior to the end of the training ... Waiver of Legislatively Required Continuing Education (a) The executive director may waive the legislatively required continuing education for a licensee as required by the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 1701 if the licensee demonstrates the existence of mitigating circumstances justifying the licensee's failure to obtain the legislatively required continuing education . tcole legislatively mandated training may be waived due to mitigating circumstances by whom tcole legislatively mandated training may be waived d...

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