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[Answer] A licensed peace officer should have continuing education courses approved by _____ prior to attending to ensure credit hours will be submitted.

Quesiton : A licensed peace officer should have continuing education courses approved by _____ prior to attending to ensure credit hours will be submitted.

Answer: Training Coordinator or Chief Administrative Officer of your department

Most relevent text from all around web: A licensed peace officer should have continuing education courses approved by _____ prior to attending to ensure credit hours will be submitted. signatures have not been completed. required forms or documentation is incomplete illegible or not attached. A licensed peace officer should have continuing education courses approved by _____ prior to attending to ensure credit hours will be submitted. Successful completion of the agency's field training program . The following criteria must be met to qualify for a peace officer license : Has completed a TCIC/NCIC background check. Failing to complete the legislatively mandated continuing education for the first time will result in a _____ license … Texas Peace Officers and Reserve; County Corrections Officers (Jailers) Agency Chief Administrators; Telecommunications Officers ; Retired Law Enforcement Officers ; Path to Licensure. Civilian ( Non-Licensed Person) Out of State Peace Officers ; Military; School Marshal; Training . Training Coordinators Conference 2019; Training Providers. Academic Alternative Programs ; Contract Training … Peace officers licensed prior to Jan. 1 2018 must obtain 24 hours of Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) by Dec. 31 2018 with at least 8 of the 24 hours coming from an " Approved Provider" of training . Of these 24 hours officers must obtain a minimum of: 2 hours in Legal Studies; 2 hours in Technical Studies; SECTION 218.3. Legislatively Required Continuing Education for Licensees ; ... At least 40 hours of continuing education for constables each 48 month cycle as provided by the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute. ... Crisis Intervention Training: eve...

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