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[Answer] The mission statement specifies that TCLEOSE is a(n) _______state agency.

Quesiton : The mission statement specifies that TCLEOSE is a(n) _______state agency.

Answer: regulatory

Most relevent text from all around web: The mission statement specifies that TCLEOSE is a(n) _______state agency. The mission statement specifies that TCLEOSE is a ( n ) _____ state agency . Regulatory To be eligible for initial license an applicant cannot have been on court-ordered supervision or probation for any class B criminal offense with in the last _____________ year (s). Start studying Rules of TCOLE. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Search. ... The mission statement specifies that TCLEOSE is a(n) _____state agency. ... An agency must retain files of applications for licensing for a minimum of _____ after the licensee's termination date with that agency . TCOLE Mission Our Mission The mission of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as a regulatory State agency is to establish and enforce standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement corrections and telecomm...

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