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[Answer] What are the criteria for controls to be effective?

Quesiton : What are the criteria for controls to be effective?

Answer: a. Suitability. It must remove the hazard or mitigate (reduce) the residual risk to an acceptable level.b. Feasibility. The unit must have the capability to implement the control.c. Acceptability. The benefit gained by implementing the control must justify the cost in resources and time.

Most relevent text from all around web: What are the criteria for controls to be effective? Criteria for effective control . Secondly use all steps in the control process. To be effective a control system must employ all steps in the control process. Standards of performance must be set measurements of actual performance taken comparisons of standards with actual performance made and when necessary corrective action taken. Effective Control System (9 Principles of Designing Effective Control System) Managers are responsible for controlling in the organization and it is a manager’s duty to improve the effectiveness of organization’s control system; as can do a great deal to improve the effectiveness of their control … Effective Organizational Control Systems The management of any organization must develop a control system tailored to its organization's goals and resources. Effective control systems share several common characteristics . To be effective a control system must employ all steps in the control process. Standards of performance must be set measurements of actual performance taken comparisons f standards with actual performance made and when necessary corrective action taken. Many businesses use cost control strategies to keep expenses down and increase...

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