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[Answer] What are the three basic categories of controls?

Quesiton : What are the three basic categories of controls?

Answer: a. Educational controls. These controls are based on the knowledge and skills of the units and individuals. Effective control is implemented through individual and collective training that ensures performance to standard.b. Physical controls. These controls may take the form of barriers and guards or signs to warn individuals and units that a hazard exists. Additionally special controller or oversight personnel responsible for locating specific hazards fall into this category.c. Avoidance. These controls are applied when leaders take positive action to prevent contact with an identified hazard.

Most relevent text from all around web: What are the three basic categories of controls? There are essentially three kinds of controls: How can the answer be improved? RISK MANAGEMENT . Effective control is implemented through individual and collective training that ensures performance to standard. b . Physical controls. These controls may take the form of barriers and guards or signs to warn individuals and units that a hazard exists. Additionally special controller or oversight personnel responsible... The three categories of control are the assessment of hazards implementation of controls and the supervision and evaluation of controls . The three categories of control are the assessment of hazards implementation of controls and the supervision and evaluation of controls . This is a cyclical process that occurs in the management ... Thu Jan 28 2016 · The three basic categories of controls : Educational controls Physical controls and Avoidance. The three basic types of control structures are sequential selection and iteration . They can be combined in any way to solve a specified problem. Sequential is the default control structure statements are executed line by line in the or...

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