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[Answer] What is meant by a "retirement period" for records?

Quesiton : What is meant by a "retirement period" for records?

Answer: The period of time which records are to be retained before being removed from a current files area to a designated local storage area. (NOTE: A retirement period must be distinguished from a retention period)

Most relevent text from all around web: What is meant by a "retirement period" for records? Ad Enjoy A Longer Life & A More Secure Retirement . Discover Prudential® Solutions. Retirement Planning · Income That Lasts · Annuities · Financial Advice What is meant by a "retirement period" for records? The period of time which records are to be retained before being removed from a current files area to a designated local storage area . (NOTE: A retirement period must be distinguished from a retention period) What is meant by a “retirement period” for records? The period of time which records are to be retained before being removed from a current files area to a designated local storage area . (NOTE: A retirement period must be distinguished from a retention period) Social Security provides " survivors benefits " to the families of wage earners who die. However the eligibility rules for those benefits can lead to a lengthy period during which the surviving spouse will receive no benefits at all. This gap has come to be known as the Social Security blackout ... Definition of record : Document that memorializes and provides objective evidence of activities performed events occurred results achieved or statements made. Records … Tue Jun 18 2019 · Maintaining Your Retirement Plan Records As an employer sponsoring a retirement plan you are required by law to keep your books and records available for review by the IRS. Having these records will also facilitate answering questions when determining participants’ benefits. Mon Nov 26 201...

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