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[Answer] Which macronutrient is vital for every function of the body? A.waterB.fatsC.proteinsD.carbohydrates

Quesiton : Which macronutrient is vital for every function of the body? A.waterB.fatsC.proteinsD.carbohydrates

Answer: A. water

Most relevent text from all around web: Which macronutrient is vital for every function of the body? A.waterB.fatsC.proteinsD.carbohydrates How can the answer be improved? Minerals are inorganic substances that the body cannot produce on its own. TRUE OR FALSE Wed Mar 30 2016 · Verified answer. What is a Verified Answer? Verified answers contain reliable trustworthy information vouched for by a hand-picked team of experts. Brainly has millions of high quality answers all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members but verified answers are the finest of the finest. A. water B . fats C . proteins D. carbohydrates . Water is vital for every function of the body. Minerals are inorganic substances that the body cannot produce on its own. True Carbohydrates are nutrients that supply the main energy source for the...

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