Answer: intranet
Most relevant text from all around the web:
A(n) ________ is used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters.
35 ) A(n ) _____ is a private network that is used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters.
Start studying Chapter 12. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... private network set up by a business or an organization that is used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters .
a private network set up by a business or an organization that's used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters LAN local area network - A network in which the nodes are located within a small geographic area (school lab or fast-food restaurant)
A(n) _____ is used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters.
is a private network set up by a business or an organization that's used exclusively by a select group of employees customers suppliers volunteers or supporters Jam Signal alerts the …
Answer: wide area network (WAN) Diff: 2 Section Ref: Types of Client/Server Networks 35) A(n) _____ is used exclusively by a select gr...
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