Answer: Scalability
Most relevant text from all around the web:
________ means that additional users can easily be added without affecting the performance of the other network nodes.
means that more users can be added easily without affecting the performance of the other network nodes Local area network (LAN) a LAN is generally a small group of computers and peripherals linked together over a relatively small geographic area
peer to peer networks are this. this means that users are responsible for creating their own data backups and for providing security for their computers stalability means that more users can be added easily without affecting the performance of the other network nodes. client/server networks has increased stability
more users can be added easily without affecting the performance of the other network nodes (computers or peripherals) Local Area Network (LAN) small group of computers and peripherals linked together over a relatively small geographic area
_____ means that additional users can easily be added without affecting the performance of the ot
1) Scalability means that additional users can easily be added to a network without affecting the performance of the other network nodes.
a type of network that enables the easy addition of users...
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