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[Answer] A ring topology is also known as a(n) ________ topology.

Answer: loop

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A ring topology is also known as a(n) ________ topology. A( n ) ________ server tracks who is logging on to the network as well as which services on the network are available to each user. authentication . A( n ) ________ server is a server that stores and … Tue Nov 13 2018 · A ring topology is a network configuration in which device connections create a circular data path. Each networked device is connected to two others like points on a circle. Together devices in a ring topology are referred to as a ring network . Sat Mar 12 2016 · What is a Ring Topology ? R ing topology also known as Ring network is a type of network topology where each node is exactly connected to two other nodes … 2) Ring Topology . Ring Topology is a type of topology in which every computer is connected to another computer on each side with the last computer being connected to the first thus forming a ring shape. This topology allows for each computer to have exactly two neighboring computers. In this topology there is the main computer known as the ... T/ F : In a star topology a single connection failure will halt all traffic between all sites. True. T/ F : Dial-up ISDN does not convert a computer's digital signals to analog before trans...


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