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[Answer] A(n) ________ server is a server used to fulfill one specific purpose.

Answer: dedicated

Most relevant text from all around the web:

A(n) ________ server is a server used to fulfill one specific purpose. A server used to fulfill one specific function such as handling e-mail. device driver Software that facilitates the communication between a device and its operating system or between a network adapter and a server's operating system and the operating system … A server used to fulfill one specific function Print Server Manage all client-requested printing jobs for all printers on the network helps client computers to complete more productive work by relieving them of printing duties . IT Chapter 12. A private corporate network that is used exclusively by company employees to facilitate information sharing database access group scheduling videoconferencing and other employee and customer collaborations. Solved A ( n ) _____ server is a server that stores and manages files for network users. Solved A ( n ) ________ server is a ...


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