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[Answer] A(n) ________ server is used to host an Internet site.

Answer: Web

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A(n) ________ server is used to host an Internet site. A server that is maintained by a hosting company and that is connected to networks via the Internet . coaxial cable A single copper wire surrounded by layers of plastic insulation metal sheathing and a plastic jacket; used mainly in cable television and cable Internet service . A firewall can act as a(n ) ____ that makes high-level application connections on behalf of internal hosts and other machines. VPNs are commonly used to connect two companies networks over the Internet in a site -to- site configuration. A Client/ Server is often used to describe as Client Host or Server Host and regularly used with client-server . There is a not too well known fact that Client server model in its early days were also called as server-host (or serving host ) and user-host (or using-host ) model. Fri May 09 2014 · A server is a physical computer dedicated to run services to serve the needs of other computers. Depending on the service that is running it could be a file server database server home media server print server or web server . What is a Host ? A host is a computer connected to other computers for which it provides data or services over a ... Tue Jul 24 2012 · How to Set Up Site Bindings in Internet Information Services (IIS) ... When setting up site bindings on your Dedicated or Cloud server all site bindings must be unique. ... Since we do not have enough IP addresses to assign to each site we will...


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