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[Answer] Which utility is used to exit out of a non-responsive program?

Answer: Task Manager

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which utility is used to exit out of a non-responsive program? A new feature in Windows 10 that is used to organize open windows into task-specific groups is called a windows utility that automatically created a duplicate of your libraries desktop contacts and favorites and copies it to another storage device such as an external hard drive file management the process by which humans or computer software provide organizational structure to a computer's contents Start studying Chapter 5. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Which utility is used to exit out of a non-responsive program ? ... Which of the following is NOT considered an accessibility utility ? System Restore. Special programs that facilitate communication between a device and the OS are called. multiuser mulltitask operating system used primarily with mainframes as a network operating system (DEF.) If a program has stopped working you can use this Windows utility to check on the program or to exit the nonresponsive program. Task Manager (DEF.) A Windows utility that lets you roll your system settings back to a specific date when everythin...


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