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[Answer] Approximately how much sugar does the average American consume each year?

Answer: 90 pounds

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Approximately how much sugar does the average American consume each year? Approximately how much sugar does the average American consume each year? 60 pounds 90 pounds 120 pounds 150 pounds Here are 45 alarming statistics on North American ’s sugar consumption and the effects of sugar on Americans ’ health: Sugar Consumption Habits of Americans . Back in 2009 the consumption amount was 9.9 million metric tons. It seemed that against public announcement of eating less sugar sugar consumption only steadily increased by each year . Today the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year . This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week! Nutritionists suggest that Americans should get only 10% of their calories from sugar. This equals 13.3 teaspoons of sugar per day (based on 2 000 calories per day). How many pounds of sugar does the average American consume per year? The average American consumes 136 pounds of sugar every year . Of that 65 pounds is refined sugar and 68 pounds is corn derived ... Thu Aug 28 2014 · The average American consumes 136 pounds of sugar every year...


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