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Most relevant text from all around the web:
HIJK is a parallelogram because the midpoint of both diagonals is _________ 2)7 ) means the diagonals bisect each other.
HIJK is a parallelogram because the midpoint of both diagonals is _____ 2)7 ) means the diagonals bisect each other .
The midpoint of both diagonals is EXPLANATION We can use either diagonals to determine the midpoint . We use the midpoint formula Let us use the first diagonals H (-2 2) and J (4 -2) Using the second diagonals also gives
No it is not a rectangle because the sides of the parallelogram do not meet at right angles. *See Graph #24 A square stained glass window is divided into four congruent triangular sections by iron edging to represent the seasons of the year.
So \(X\) must be the midpoints of both diagonals meaning the diagonals bisect each other . We have proved that any quadrilateral with diagonals that bisect each other is a parallelogram and that any parallelogram has diagonals that bisect each other . Therefore a quadrilateral is a parallelogram if and only if its diagonals bisect each other .
Diagonals of a parallelogram . The diagonals of a...
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