Answer: d. LP _|_ PN
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LMNP is a parallelogram.What additional information would prove that LMNP is a rectangle?
Start studying Figures in the Coordinate Plane. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... LMNP is a parallelogram. What additional information would prove that LMNP is a rectangle ? d. LP _|_ PN.
A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles . That's why in order to prove that LMNP is rectangle you have to show that LP is perpendicular to PN . Solution: The coordinates of vertices are L(-4 1) P(-3 -1) and N(3 2) then. . Find the dot product: . Since the dot product of two vectors is equal to zero these vectors are perpendicular.
the diagonals of a rectangle are congruent --- ---AC~DB (diagonal of each other)
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Geometry. For what value of y must LMNP be a parallelogram? (A four-sided figure LMNP has two horizontal sides and two sides that fall from left to right.
There are three ways to prove that a quadrilateral is a rectangle . Note that the second and third methods require that you first show (or be given) that the quadrilateral in ...
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