Answer: the rate of successful colonization equals the extinction rate
Most relevant text from all around the web:
The number of species on an island remains relatively constant when _____.
The number of species on an island remains relatively constant when _____ . the rate of successful colonization equals the extinction rate Two bird species overlap in a hybrid zone .
As the number of established species on an island increases colonizing success decreases. The number of species on an island remains relatively constant when _____. the rate of successful colonization equals the extinction rate. Most of the world's forests are _____.
The number of species on an island remains relatively constant when _____ . The rate of successful colonization equals the extinction rate . If two species are close competitors and one species is experimentally removed from the community the remaining species would be expected to _____.
The number of species on an island remains relatively constant when _____ . A. species richness increases B. the rate of successful colonization is greater than the extinction rate C. the rate of successful c...
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