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[Answer] The OSH Act gives you only __________ days to report discrimination.

Answer: 30

Most relevant text from all around the web:

The OSH Act gives you only __________ days to report discrimination. When the employer receives an OSHA citation it must be: Posted for 3 days or until the violation is fixed One of the main responsibilities employers have under OSHA is to: It depends on the state requirement. For instance South Carolina gives 45 days but Georgia only gives 30 days . You just have to check with the dmv in your state to find out. ... This copy must remain posted until the problem is fixed or a minimum of three days whichever is longer. Citation True or false : a job hazard analysis looks at … TRUE or FALSE: The lnjury and illness Report (Form 301) is used to list injuries and illnesses and track days away from work. FALSE The OSH Act gives you only ___ days to report discrimination . According to Occupational Safety and Health Act that was created in 1970 you have only within 30 days to file a discrimination complaint if y...


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