Answer: Engineering work practice and administrative.
Most relevant text from all around the web:
PPE is used when ___ ___ and ___ controls are not possible or do not provide suitable protection for workers.
PPE is used when ___ ___ and ___ controls are not possible or do not provide suitable protection for workers. Engineering work practice and administrative. Which of the following guards against exposure to electrical hazards
PPE is used when engineering work practice and administrative controls are not possible or do not provide suitable protection for workers . Explanation: PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. Examples are safety glasses earplugs masks and gloves.
Question: PPE Is Used When And Controls Are Not Possible Or Do Not Provide Suitable Protection For Workers. O A) Machine Engineering And Personnel O B ) Eye Foot And Head O C ) Administrative Hazard And Employer D) Engineering Work Practice And Administrative Safety Footwear Must Meetminimum Compression And Impact Performance Standards.
PPE can include safety helmets gloves eye protection high-visibility clothing safety footwear and face masks or respirators. PPE requirements PPE must be properly assessed before use to ensure it is suitable maintained and stored properly provided with instructions on how to use it safely used correctly by employees.
Protective Clothing. Hats long sleeves long pants or sunscreen while not defined as PPE should be considered for protection against heat cold sun or insect exposure . Also included in this category may be the use of a personal...
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