Answer: polyploidy . . . habitat differentiation and sexual selection
Most relevant text from all around the web:
Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through ________ in plants but is more likely to occur through ________ in animals.
In which of the following situations would speciation be most likely to occur ? Seven monkeys escape from an amusement park and zoo in South Florida. To everyone's surprise they establish a small but viable population coexisting successfully with humans in a partly suburban environment very different from their native African habitat.
Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through _____ in plants but is more likely to occur through _____ in animals . A) polyploidy . . . habitat differentiation and sexual selection In a hybrid zone ________ can occur if the reproductive barrier between two species is weak as seen among cichlids in the murky waters of modern Lake Victoria.
Allopatric speciation is not likely to occur when there is no disruption in gene flow between two populations. Frequently a group of related species will each have a unique courtship ritual that must be performed correctly for both partners to be willing to mate.
Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through _________ in plants but is more likely to occur through __________ in animals. They produced a hybrid species with 14 chromosomes that was sterile because the chromosomes from the two different parent species did not pair up properly in meiosis.
Sun Nov 14 2010 · Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through _____ in plants but is more likely to occur through _____? ... As water is evaporated from the leaves and stems of th...
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