Answer: Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes.
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Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation?
Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation ? Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes. One of the finest available sequences of fossils shows how horses have changed slowly and by subtle steps from small shrub-browsing ancestors to the large grass-grazing modern horse .
Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation ? Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes. An isolated population differentiates quickly from its parent stock as it adapts to its local environment.
40) Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation? A) Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes . B) An isolated population differentiates quickly from its parent stock as it adapts to its local environment.
Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation? Speciation occurs regularly as a result of the accumulation of many small changes . The emergence of many diverse species from a common ancestor is called
Which of the following descriptions best represents the gradual model of speciation? A. An isolated population differentiates quickly from its parent stock as it adapts to its local environment. B . Spe...
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