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[Answer] Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image?

Answer: B.planning a diet

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Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image? Body Image and Eating Disorders. STUDY. Flashcards. Learn. Write. Spell. Test. PLAY. Match. Gravity. Created by. highschoolhelper111. Terms in this set (10) Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image ? Planning a diet. Body image can affect a person's health. T. Which eating disorder causes people to see themselves as ... Start studying Body Image and Eating Disorders. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... A person suffering from anorexia nervosa typically suffers from which of the following health issues? D. all of the above. Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image ? B. planning a diet. Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image ? A. obsessing on your unique features B. planning a diet C. negativity D. comparing oneself to others Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image ? - 1200951 1. Log in. Join now. 1. Log in. Join now. High School. Health. 5 points zach1211 Asked 04.12.2016. Which of the following is NOT a component of an unhealthy body image ? Download png. See answers (1) Ask for details ; Follow ... Match each of the following causes ... While not traditionally a visual medium unhealthy expectations can be communicated through print. Diet and relationship books are particularly likely in promoting a negative body image . Students should understand that body image isn't only affected by visual mediums. Unhealthy Body Image an Eating Disorder and finding the right treatment by Dewey Houston /...


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