Answer: An organism colonizes an isolated area that is habitable but relatively devoid of life
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Evolution. Which of the following would tend to promote adaptive radiation? A An organism has a very stable set of features and capabilities over long spans of evolutionary time . B An organism colonizes an isolated area that is habitable but relatively empty of life. C An organism colonizes an area that already has a high level...
Sat May 14 2011 · Which of the following would tend to promote adaptive radiation ? a) an area has a high number of species that exploit most of the available ecological opportunities . b) an organism has a very stable set of features and capabilities over long spans of evolutionary time.
Sun Mar 22 2009 · Which of the following would tend to promote adaptive radiation? A. An area has a high number of species that exploit most of the available ecological opportunities .
which of the following would tend to promote adaptive radiation? an ...
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